We received no fewer than thirty year-end offers for diets, cleanses and gym memberships. They arrived by email, Twitter, Facebook and even in the form of old-fashioned mail. Each one promised to make us thinner and fitter in the New Year as long as we were willing to part with a credit card number. We have no idea how many of these came from legitimate businesses. Most of the pitches carried the desperate air of a letter from a Nigerian Prince: “I need a little money up front, but I only have you best interests in mind.”
At DYC, we do things differently. We start each year by spending 30 days in Austerity Mode. Anyone is welcome to join us. No purchase is necessary.
At DYC, we do things differently. We start each year by spending 30 days in Austerity Mode. Anyone is welcome to join us. No purchase is necessary.
Since we published this blog post, the 30-Day Challenge has become an integral part of DYC. It has been updated well beyond what was once written here.
Check out the new the 30-Day Challenge
Check out the new the 30-Day Challenge
Fact: Yes. The photograph is of Steven flexing off against actor and Mr. Universe, Lou Ferrigno. The photo was taken at the 2012 Los Angeles Comic Con event. Lou clearly won, but keep in mind that this was taken prior to the 30-Day Challenge. Steven plans to return next year to measure his progress.